Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/02/25
Next Sunday, March 9th, we celebrate the Triumph of Orthodoxy. Please bring icons with you to Liturgy in order to take part in the procession and blessing afterwards. |
Project Mexico Presentation - 02/11/25
Sunday, March 2nd, after Divine Liturgy, Matushka will show a brief slideshow of the mission trip St. Andrews took to Mexico last summer. |
Camp St. Christopher - 02/11/25
Camp St. Christopher will happen during the week of June 16th. Please plan ahead so that your child/children may attend. |
Sisterhood Bake Sale - 02/11/25
The Sisterhood is planning to have a bake sale on 2/16 during coffee hour. The funds from the sale will go to the Sisterhood to help stock up on coffee hour essentials. Please sign up if you would like to bring cookies or cakes to sell. |
Annual Parish Meeting - 02/11/25
Our annual parish meeting will be on February 23rd, directly following Divine Litirgy. Please make every effort to be present that day and attend. |
Catechumen Classes 2025 - 01/19/25
Our next round of catechumen classes will begin on Saturday, February 1st, at 4:00 PM. Please speak to Fr. Patrick if you would like to be a part of this group. These classes are for those who are seeking entrance into the Orthodox Church. |
2025 Tithe Envelopes Available - 01/15/25
2025 tithe/offering envelopes are available in the church hall. If you do not see your name, or if you have never used them before, take one without a name and that will become yours. |
2025 Church Calendars - 01/15/25
2025 church calendars are available free of charge in the area by our candles. Please limit one per family until all families have received a calendar! |
House Blessings - 01/15/25
Please contact Fr. Patrick if you would like to have your house blessed for Theophany! |
Catechumen Classes - 09/10/24
Our next set of catechumen classes will begin on Saturday, September 21st, at 4 PM. They will take place at the same time each week, unless otherwise announced. Please let Fr. Patrick know if you plan on being a part of this next group. |
Noah and Madeline’s Wedding - 08/13/24
Noah and Madeline's wedding: There is a stack of invitations on the candle table. Please take one if you have not yet received one. Everyone at church is invited! Volunteers are needed to help with the reception. Please see Mat. Kristin if you are willing to help. |
Church School - 08/13/24
Church school starts September 1st! |
Youth Group - 08/13/24
Youth group starts August 25th. See Mat. Kristin or Shannon French for details and location info. |
Fr. Patrick Ill - Service Adjustments - 08/03/24
Hello everyone. I am sick, and will therefore not be able to serve this weekend. Reader Vespers will be served this evening and tomorrow morning there will be a Typica Service in place of Divine Liturgy. This gives everyone the opportunity for prayer and fellowship in my absence. Unfortunately, there will be no services for the Transfiguration this coming week. God willing, I will see you all next Sunday. Fr. P |
Camp Saint Christopher - 06/25/24
Camp Saint Christopher is next Sunday! Dates are June 30th-July 5th. If you have any questions, ask Fr. Patrick. |
No Vespers on Saturday - 06/25/24
There will be no vespers this coming Saturday, June 29th. |
Vespers; Baptism - 06/25/24
Vespers will be this coming Friday, June 28th, at 6:00 pm. Divine Liturgy follows on Saturday, June 29th, at 10:00 am, for the feast of Sts. Peter and Paul. Kyle and Jim will be baptized during the liturgy. |
Bill Giris - 06/25/24
Memory Eternal to our dear brother Bill (Vladimir) Giris who reposed in the Lord on June 12th. There will be a funeral service here at the church for Bill this Wednesday, June 26th, at 6:00 pm. |
Funeral for John Geras - 04/21/24
Memory Eternal! Our funeral for John Geras will be this coming Sunday (April 21st). He will be brought to the church at 12 noon for a viewing, and the service will take place shortly afterwards. I hope and pray that we will all set aside this Sunday afternoon in order to come together and honor this dear man who has meant so much to our parish. God keep you all. Fr. P |
Turcotte Family Baptism - 03/25/24
The Turcotte Family will be received into Holy Orthodoxy through baptism at 4 PM on Saturday, March 30th. All are welcome to come and share in the joyous occasion! |
2024 Calendars - 01/05/24
We have 2024 church calendars available! Please note that calendars are available for free; however, if you would like to make a donation to help offset the cost of purchase - for the calendars or the tithing envelopes - there is an envelope in your tithe box to do so... or you can give donations directly to our treasurer, Jamie Medvesky. |
Church Tithe Envelopes - 01/05/24
Church tithe envelopes are in the hall. They start as of January 1, so ensure to take home yours today. If you do not see your name on an envelope box and would like one, please get with our treasurer, Jamie Medvesky. |
Nativity Fast - 11/29/23
The Nativity Fast began on November 15th. If you are providing food for coffee hour, from now until Christmas, please be aware of the rules of the Fast. Fish is permitted, but not meat, cheese, or eggs. |
Catechumen Classes - 09/03/23
Our catechumen classes will continue each Saturday at 4pm until the course is completed. This class is being offered specifically for those interested in joining the Orthodox Church (catechumens and inquirers) as well as to our high school age students. Please speak to Fr. Patrick if you have any questions. |
Project Mexico Mexican Dinner - 09/03/23
September 10th, 6pm, St. Andrews' Hall. Buy your ticket to help send our youth group to Project Mexico where we will build a house for a family in need! Ticket details: 3-course dinner with live music and 1 margarita. $25 per ticket, $10 for children (10 and under). Cash donations are welcome. 50-50 raffle. Margarita bar available for additional donations. Please see Matushka Kristin to buy tickets - please be sure to purchase your tickets prior to the event! |
Church school end-of-year bash - 06/08/23
Church school end-of-year bash will be at 10:30 AM on Friday, June 16th, at the New Port Richey Aquatic Center Pool (6630 Van Buren St). For all students and their families, the cost is $3.00 per person. Stay as long or as short as you'd like. Food and drinks can be brought from home. |
Calendars - 06/08/23
We have purchased 20 extra calendars for those who were unable to get one at the beginning of the year. They are available by the candles. Please take one if you do not already have one. |
Church Clean-up Day - 03/21/23
We'll be meeting at church on Saturday, April 8th, at 10 AM to clean-up and build the new playground equipment. Please join us if you can! |
Project Lent - 03/01/23
Calling all senior citizens and adult singles! Our youth group is inviting you to join us for a project during Lent. There will be a meet and greet following Forgiveness Sunday. If you are interested in joining-up with our teens, please see Mat. Kristin or Shannon French for details. |
Camp Saint Christopher - 03/01/23
Dear parents! Camp Saint Christopher, our Orthodox summer camp here in Florida, is back up and running this year! It will be held at Lakewood Retreat Center in Brooksville on June 25-30. Kids 8-18 are able to attend, and the cost is $400 per kid if paid before March 20. Please Fr. Patrick ASAP if your kid(s) are planning on attending. Message/email Fr. Patrick with your email address, and he will send the information and forms to fill out. As always, we welcome any and all financial assistance from the parish community in order to make this a reality for all who would like to attend. God bless! |
Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/01/23
Next Sunday, the first Sunday of Great Lent, is the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Please bring an icon/icons from home to carry in procession and have blessed at the end of Divine Liturgy. |
Annual Parish Meeting - 02/01/23
Our Annual Parish Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 19th, directly following Divine Liturgy. Please plan on staying afterward to attend. |
Divine Liturgy Cancelled - Father Patrick Sick - 01/21/23
Father Patrick became ill this evening; regrettably, Divine Liturgy tomorrow (1/22/2023) must be cancelled as he was unable to find a fill-in priest on short notice. Please keep Father Patrick in your prayers for his quick recovery. |
Tithing Statement - 01/15/23
Please get with our Treasurer, Jamie Medvesky, if you would like a document containing your tithing contribution for 2022. |
Tithe envelopes - 12/23/22
Church tithe envelopes are in the hall. They start as of January 1, so ensure you take yours home today. We also have the 2023 church calendars available. These items are free; however, if you would like to make a donation to offset the cost of us purchasing these items, there is an envelop in the tithe box to do so, or you may give donations directly to our treasurer, Jamie Medvesky. |
Food donations - 12/23/22
A box is kept in the hall for non-perishable food that goes to Metropolitan Ministries on an ongoing basis (year round). Please feel-free to donate whenever you can! |
Christmas Pageant - 11/29/22
There will be a Christmas pageant on December 18th immediately following Divine Liturgy. Please bring your kids at 1pm for practice on Saturday, December 17th. |
St. Nicholas' and St. Andrew's Potluck Luncheon - 11/29/22
On December 4th, we will have a potluck luncheon for St. Nicholas' and St. Andrew's Feast Days. Please help make this event special by bringing a dish. Also, we ask that each family donates a new toy for the Metropolitan Ministries toy drive. We will collect the toys as you enter the hall for the potluck luncheon. Thank you for supporting children in need throughout West Pasco! |
Orthodox Book Club - 11/17/22
Some of our parishioners have begun meeting monthly for book club discussions. We would like to let everyone know about the book club and invite everyone to join. Mission: To share a good book and encourage each other in our Christian journey; to deepen our faith and friendships and have some fun. Where: Oasis Coffee Spot - 9213 Little Rd in New Port Richey. When: 2nd Thursday of every month at 7:00 PM. Contact: Lilia McGraw (814-470-3136) if you have any questions. |
Adult Education/Catechism - 09/12/22
Beginning on Saturday, September 24th, at 7pm (following Vespers), we will begin our adult catechism class entitled "Basics of Faith". Although mainly geared towards catechumens, it will be open to all adult members of the parish. |
Summer Youth Group Challenge - 08/03/22
The end of summer Youth Group Challenge (6-12th grade) will take place on Sunday, August 28th. Parents will be challenged to a kiddie pool kickball game. There will be a potluck luncheon and meeting to discuss the upcoming year's activities. Important note: if you have a teen going on the kayaking or camping trip, at least one parent must attend the meeting. Please see Matushka Kristin or Shannon French if you have any questions. |
Youth Group - 08/03/22
Youth group for 6-12th grade will be on the fourth Sunday of each month following Divine Liturgy. Note: November and December will have earlier meeting dates due to the holidays. Information about youth group and church school is posted on a private Facebook messenger group. If you are not already on the thread and would like to be added, please see Matushka Kristin. |
Church School 2022-2023 - 08/03/22
K-8 church school begins Sunday, September 4th following Divine Liturgy. |
Dormition Fast - 08/01/22
The Dormition Fast begins August 1st and continues until the Feast of the Dormition of the Theotokos on August 15th. If you are scheduled to provide food for coffee hour, please remember to make sure it is Lenten (no meat, eggs, or dairy). |
OCA All American Council - 07/15/22
Fr. Patrick and his family will be out-of-town the week of July 17th in order to attend the OCA All American Council in Baltimore. Please keep them in your prayers. |
Divine Liturgy/Father's Day Picnic - 6/19/2022 - Cancelled - 06/12/22
Divine Liturgy for 6/19/2022 and the Father's Day Picnic have been cancelled due to Father Patrick's illness.
Please keep Father Patrick and the Smith family in your prayers! We wish everyone a Happy Father's Day and look forward to seeing everyone soon. |
Confessions - Lent - 03/20/22
Fr. Patrick will be available to hear confessions throughout Lent following any of the evening services. The last evening to hear confessions before Pascha is after the the 6:00pm Bridgegroom Matins service on Tuesday, April 19th, 2022. |
Weekday Services - Lenten Meal - 03/20/22
We are asking families to participate in weekday services by bringing a Lenten meal to share following Liturgy. Please see Jamie or Heather for details. |
Church School - 03/19/22
Please see Matushka Kristin if you are willing to help with church school next year. We are especially in need of middle/high school teachers. |
Sunday of Orthodoxy - 03/08/22
Next Sunday, March 13th, 2022, is the Sunday of Orthodoxy. Following Divine Liturgy, there will be a procession around the church. Adults and children may bring icons with them from home in order to have them blessed and carry with them in the procession. |
Funeral Services for James Rickers - 02/25/22
There will be two viewings at Dobies funeral home in Hudson on Wednesday, March 2nd from 2-4pm and 6-8pm. A Trisagion will be served at 7:15 PM. On Thursday, March 3rd, there will be a viewing at 9am with the funeral service following at 10am here at St. Andrew's. The burial will take place Thursday at 1:30pm at Florida National Cemetery, in Bushnell. Memory Eternal. |
Guys day/night out - bowling event - 02/23/22
Next Sunday afternoon, February 27th, 2022 there will be a "guys day/night out" at a local bowling alley for any of the men in the parish who would like to get together for fun and fellowship. Please see Mike Medvesky for more information. |
Annual Parish Meeting - 01/23/22
This year's Annual Parish Meeting will take place following Divine Liturgy on Sunday of Orthodoxy, March 13th, 2022. |
St. Andrew's Youth Group - 01/23/22
Calling all volunteers: St. Andrew's Youth Group will be hosting a regional Orthodox Teen Day at our parish February 19, 2022. There will be seminars with clergy, and of course, lots of fun. To help make it a success, we need volunteers. It should only take a few hours of your time. Please see Matushka Kristin, or Shannon French, if you are willing to give your time to make this a great event for our teens. Thank you! |
Sisterhood Meeting - 01/23/22
We will have a Sisterhood meeting on January 30th, 2022 following Divine Liturgy. We welcome anyone who would like to join and ask you to attend. Thank you! |
Church Picnic - 01/22/22
We will be having a Church Picnic on February 13th, 2022 after Liturgy. Please bring a dish to share, pot-luck style. Thanks! |
Holy Week Service Schedule - 04/24/21
Monday 4/26:
Bridegroom Matins 6PM
Tuesday 4/27:
Bridegroom Matins 6PM
Wednesday 4/28:
Holy Unction 6PM
Thursday 4/29:
Divine Liturgy 10AM
Holy Friday Matins (12 Passion Gospels) 6PM
Friday 4/30:
Vespers 3PM
Holy Saturday Matins 6PM
Saturday 5/1:
Divine Liturgy 10AM
Sunday 5/2:
Vespers 12 Noon Followed by Parish Picnic
Please contact me directly with any questions. God bless!
Fr. P
Pascha Picnic - 03/11/20
Join us for our Annual Pascha Picnic on Sunday, April 19th after Agape Vespers at Noon. There will meats provided by the Sisterhood. Bring a side dish or snack to add to the feast! Join us and bring your family and friends as we celebrate in His Glory! |
Lucky Draw Raffle - 08/20/18
We are holding our First Annual Lucky Draw Raffle on October 20, 2018. We are in search of volunteers, both child and adult, to assist with preparation, help the day of and clean up. We are also in need of brand new items and/or gift certificates for putting baskets together to raffle and any donation of services if you own your own business. The money raised for this event is to benefit The Ronin Forrester Memorial Church Camp Fund and Metropolitan Ministries. We need you all there and to bring your friends and family! Tickets are $5 for entry which includes a piece of cake and a drink. Please get with Heather Foster or JamieMedvesky if you can be of any assistance and/or want to purchase tickets. This is going to be a fun event! |
Pascha Picnic - 03/20/18
Sign up in the Church Hall for the Annual Pascha Picnic! Meat will be provided, feel free to bring a dish/side/drink to share! |
'Journey to Bethlehem' Nativity Play - 11/07/17
On January 7th we will be performing our 'Journey to Bethlehem' Nativity Play directly following Liturgy. Please plan to stick around and watch. There will be a potluck in the hall following the show. Please bring a dish to celebrate the completion of our very first Nativity performance, and of course to Glorify Him! |
A Visit From Saint Nicholas - 11/07/17
On Wednesday, December 6th, we celebrate Saint Nicholas, the Wonderworker. Sunday, December 10th, our children will get a visit from Saint Nick with a bag full of gifts following Liturgy. There will be cookies and other goodies to enjoy as we watch the children open their presents. |
Patron Saint Potluck - 11/07/17
On Thursday, November 30th, we celebrate the Holy Apostle Andrew The First-Called. We will be having a catered lunch during coffee hour on the following Sunday, December 3rd, in honor of our Patron Saint Andrew. Please add your name to the list in the hall if you plan to attend so that we know how many people to plan for. |
Baptism - 10/13/17
Michael Tompkins will be baptized on Saturday, November 4th. Please join us during Vespers for this special day. |
Baptism - 10/13/17
Harper Grace will be baptized on Saturday, October 14th! Please join us at Vespers for this blessing. |
Annual Parish Picnic - 10/11/17
Join us after Liturgy on Sunday, October 22nd, for our annual parish picnic. Bring your family and a favorite side dish or drink! |
Pascha Picnic - 04/07/17
There will be a picnic to celebrate Pascha on Sunday, April 16th following the Agape Vespers at Noon. |
Welcome Back Church School Pizza Party - 08/30/16
Let's start our school year with Pizza Party on Saturday, September 3rd following Vespers Service!
St. Andrew's Church school will be in session starting Sunday, September 4th! |